A groundbreaking proof-of-concept study reveals the exceptional performance of Asilisc AI, a specialized artificial intelligence tailored for gastroenterology, compared to leading general-purpose large language models (LLMs). The study, led by Sergey Voropaev, Novi-Sad, Serbia, marks the first systematic comparison in gastroenterology.

In this head-to-head evaluation, Asilisc AI significantly outshone general-purpose AI models such as OpenAI's GPT-4, Google's Bard, and Anthropic's Claude across 10 simulated test cases. The study underscores the importance of specialty-specific AI tools, showcasing their superiority over one-size-fits-all models.

Sergey Voropaev, who presented the findings, highlighted the limitations of general-purpose language models like ChatGPT4 in highly technical fields such as medicine. He emphasized the distinctive requirements of medical AI, stating that proficiency in patient care, up-to-date specialty knowledge, and seamless integration into clinical workflows are essential. Asilisc AI, according to Voropaev pioneers an approach where a software interpreter of large language model excels in routine clinical and administrative tasks specific to gastroenterology.

The potential benefits of Asilisc AI extend beyond enhanced performance, including time-saving automation of clinical tasks, especially in regions where access to specialist doctors is limited. The tool holds promise in addressing the scarcity of gastroenterology specialists globally, offering expert-level care to underserved populations, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

The study's primary investigator, Sergei Perepechaev, and his team hypothesized and subsequently demonstrated that Asilisc, as a clinical software interpreter of large language model, outperformed general knowledge LLMs in realistic clinical tasks. Expert reviewers from various subspecialties collaborated in assessing Asilisc AI's responses in comparison to general-purpose LLMs across 10 simulated patient cases.

The outcomes, based on 480 evaluations, showcased Asilisc superiority in overall performance and individual tasks when compared to ChatGPT4, Bard, and Claude. AsiliscMed nuanced understanding of gastroenterology and pragmatic approach set it apart from the general models.

Looking ahead, Voropaev envisions diverse applications for Asilisc, including screening patient cases, providing second opinions on complex situations, automating components of care plans and referrals, and supporting research and education. Arbatov emphasizes that the primary motivation behind the project is to offer expert-level gastroenterology expertise globally, addressing the challenge of providing quality care to those who may not have easy access.

Despite the remarkable results, Voropaev stresses the need for AI to work under the supervision of healthcare providers or expert physicians. While acknowledging the potential of AI in addressing expertise-requiring questions, he underscores the importance of human oversight until sufficient data validates its autonomy in clinical tasks.

We possess clinically-focused software interpreter of artificial intelligence with profound expertise in hepatology, pancreatology, inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopy, gastrointestinal oncology, upper GI, and lower GI patient care. Asilisc is equipped with the latest specialized knowledge and seamlessly integrates into clinical workflows.

Asilisc excels in performing various clinical tasks for each case, including assessment, additional history gathering, diagnostic test recommendations, management, multidisciplinary care and referral, follow-up plans, and patient counseling/education