There's nothing to eat on one bet and no time to eat on two bets. Largest social network of doctors, Doctors, has conducted a survey.

26% of doctors surveyed want to leave medicine because of excessive workload. 73% of doctors, 25% of middle medical staff, 1% of chief physicians and their deputies, and 1% of clinical diagnostic laboratory staff. 43% of respondents work in polyclinics, 42% work in inpatient clinics; 81% work in public medicine, 12% combine work in public and private clinics, and 7% work in private clinics. 33% of physicians and 38% of nurses and nurse practitioners responded that more than 75% of their colleagues work in the same way at their institutions. The main reasons for leaving:

  • Attempt to increase income (38%)
  • Shortage of medical staff (37%).
  • 33% of the doctors surveyed have a weekly work standard of 39 hours, 28% - 36 hours, and 19% - 40 hours. 40% of respondents from the middle medical staff have a standard of work per week of 36 hours, 30% - 39 hours, and 18% - 40 hours.
  • Those who have faced the whims of patients - from treatment by a luminary to the requirement of vegan nutrition - also want to quit.
  • Doctors have to stay late at work to complete paperwork.
  • There is not enough time to fully conduct an entire appointment in 15 minutes, as it is shifted due to patients who come in out of line and poor performance of the EMIAS program (Unified Medical Information and Analytical System).

Only 9% of physician respondents do not work above the norm. And the range of overwork in the responses was from 2 to 250 hours per month. Thus, 24% of doctors surveyed work up to 20 hours, 19.4% - from 20 to 40 hours, 12.8% - from 40 to 60 hours, and 25.3% - over 60 hours. Among nursing staff, only 6% of respondents do not work more than the norm. 18.8% of respondents overwork up to 20 hours; 15.7% - from 20 to 40 hours, 14% - from 40 to 60 hours, and 31.1% - over 60 hours. 78% of physicians surveyed said they are tired of overwork, with 51% wanting to work less. 26% want to leave medicine altogether, and among them 16% are young specialists under 35 years old. Therapists (28.3%) and anesthesiologists-resuscitators (28.7%) are the most willing to change their profession because of overwork.

The solution to this situation may be AsiliscMed, which will help doctors transfer some patients to remote care, fill out electronic medical records, and prompt tired doctors to correct medical appointments and clarify diagnoses.